Monday, January 23, 2012


Today is the beginning of the rest of my life. Today is the moment I change my path and destiny, forever. Today is the day. Today I am who I’ve always wanted to be.

How different would our lives be if we lived every day in the moment, in the day, and to the very fullest? What if we truly just took it all “A day at a time”? What if we stopped letting our past dictate who we are today, and the future overwhelm us to the point of forfeit? What if we woke up each morning and decided that “Today I am going to be who I always wanted to be”?

Today I wanted to be the woman who woke up, made herself and her husband breakfast, snacks, and lunch for the day. Today I wanted to pray with my husband before we left for the day. Today I wanted to be on time to work. Today I wanted kiss my husband goodbye and with a happy smile. Today I wanted to be a great worker and clean up my “to do list”. Today I want to be smiling and excited when my husband picks me up. Today I want to work out and eat a healthy dinner. Today I want to read scriptures with my husband and end the day with prayer. Today I want to love more and hate less. Today I want to feel the spirit. Today I want to be the best possible me.

Does it matter if that is who I was yesterday? No. Does it matter if that is who I am tomorrow? No. It matters if I am that woman today. Today is what matters. Today is what counts. Every morning that my eyes open I have an opportunity to be whomever I want. I have the power to define who I am in this very moment. In this very today. Every night I lay my head down I want to smile knowing that today was not wasted. Today meant something. Today was a step toward my destiny.

I’m changing who I am. I’m changing the way I see my world. Yesterday matters no more. It is in the past. Tomorrow will take care of itself as long as I’m focusing on taking care of today. This moment is a gift. This life is a blessing. Who can I touch? What can I do? Who can I be? The possibilities are entirely endless. This moment is the key to forever. This is my journey. I am in control of who I am. It all begins today.

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